Selling Packages on the Booking Widget
- The first step is to ensure that you have a merchant payment account. This allows your business to take card payments. If you don't have one, you can email for further details.
Create packages on the Packages tab and ensure that the “Enable Online Purchase” option is enabled. Steps to do this can be found here.
Enable it from the widget configuration page on Business Setup > Website Tools
- Select the Setup button next to Add Appointment Booking to Your Website
- Next, select either Booking Widget or Express Checkout options then proceed to set up the widget
- On the Customize Booking Page Theme page, set up your button and widget theme then select next to proceed to the installation page
- From there, select “Packages” from the Widget Includes dropdown menu. Depending on how you configure it, package purchasing can be a stand-alone widget or an option in your Appointment Booking widget.
- Select the Setup button next to Add Appointment Booking to Your Website
Selling Packages on the Guest App
In addition to the steps taken above to enable package purchases on the widget, there are additional steps needed to enable package purchases on the Consumer App Settings page. Here are the steps:
- Login via parent dashboard > Business Setup
- Select Consumer App page
- Check the box next to Purchase Packages
- Save
Once all the steps listed above are completed, you're now ready to sell packages online!
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